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Table 1 Shell diameter (D), shell height (H) (mean ± SD), population density (adults m−2), and timing characteristics of the reproductive period (R.P.) of Helix lucorum and Cepaea vindobonensis from the two study sites, Edessa and Axios. Number of individuals is given in parenthesis

From: Intraspecific morphological variation of the sperm storing organ in two hermaphroditic land snail species


Helix lucorum

Cepaea vindobonensis

Edessa (93)

Axios (63)

Edessa (60)

Axios (60)

Shell diameter (D)

37.88 ± 1.85a

44.80 ± 2.10b

23.98 ± 0.98c

24.00 ± 0.96c

Shell height (H)

33.32 ± 1.91a

40.72 ± 2.98b

20.20 ± 1.08c

20.50 ± 0.93c

Population density

7.40 ± 1.27

5.54 ± 1.44

2.85 ± 0.43

3.29 ± 0.65

Beginning of R.P.


Late March


Late March

End of R.P.


Early June


Early June

  1. Different superscript letters within species indicate significant differences at p < 0.05