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Fig. 2 | Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki

Fig. 2

From: Polyphasic taxonomy of green algae strains isolated from Mediterranean freshwaters

Fig. 2

Microphotographs of strains TAU-MAC 0215, 1110, 3210, 3310, 3510 under light microscopy. a–h Uronema sp. TAU-MAC 0215; a–c, e different morphologies of the holdfast, d release of aplanospores, f–h filaments with apical cells showing alterative degree of tapering. i–k Chlorella vulgaris TAU-MAC 1110 and l–n TAU-MAC 3210; demonstrating sporangium with two autospores, young and mature cells with one big pyrenoid. o–r Spongiosarcinopsis sp. TAU-MAC 3310; o, p young vegetative cells derived from zoospores or aplanospores, aplanospores and aplanosporangium, q, r mature vegetative cells arranged in dyad and tetrad aggregation. s–v Chlamydomonadales sp. TAU-MAC 3510; s–u mature vegetative cells form tight aggregations, v autospores

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