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Table 2 Summary table comparing life history distribution across amniotes

From: Different solutions lead to similar life history traits across the great divides of the amniote tree of life


Characteristics of distribution

Body mass

All unimodal and right skewed

Squamata < Aves <  < Mammals

Offspring/female size

Offspring/female size ratio approximately the same across placental mammals, birds and squamates (7–8%)

marsupials <  <  < turtles <  < birds ≈ placentals ≈ squamates

Brood size

Mode is 1 in mammals, 2 in birds and squamates

Reproductive frequency

The overall mode and distribution of reproductive frequency is extremely similar across amniote groups

Relative brood mass

All unimodal and right skewed. But no placental mammal has a relative brood mass higher than 70%. Small in turtles, very small in marsupials

Yearly fecundity

Distribution of reptiles and birds very similar (right skewed distribution with a mode of 4–6 young). Mammalian mode is 1–2 offspring per year

Reproductive output

Similar overall in squamates, birds and mammals (low intercepts associated with steep slopes), low intercept in turtles, very low intercept, and shallow slope in marsupials